2 Bedroom Terraced For Sale   |   Upland Road, South Croydon, CR2 6RD   |   Offers in Excess of £340,000 Sold

Key Features

  • 2 double bedrooms
  • 2 Reception Rooms
  • Downstairs Bathroom
  • Sun Room / Conservatory
  • Double glazing and Gas Central heating
  • Utility Room


A well presented Victorian home set in the heart of South Croydon, within walking distance of South Croydon station and local amenities. There are a range of state and private schools within the local area and access to Croydon Town centre via excellent bus links. The property offers two Reception rooms, kitchen, two double bedrooms and downstairs bathroom. There is a utility room off the kitchen and a conservatory / sun room to the rear. The rear garden offers both lawn and patio elements and would make an ideal first time buy or investment. Please call us now to arrange your viewing.


Within a short walk of South Croydon Station, local shops and an abundance of buses serving Central Croydon and beyond. Also within approximately a 15 minute walk is Central & East Croydon with a wider range of shops along with the extensive facilities as part of the proposed Westfield Development currently in planning.

Energy Efficiency

EPC Graph

Additional Information

These details do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. None of the statements outlined in these particulars are to be relied upon as statements or representation of fact and any intended purchaser must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise to the correctness of any statements contained in these particulars. The vendor does not make or give and neither shall Hubbard Torlot or any person in their employment, have any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property.
a)     No enquiries have been made regarding planning consents or building regulation approval.
b)    No services or systems have been tested by Hubbard Torlot.
c)    The structure, boundaries or title of tenure have not been checked and that of your legal representative should be relied upon.

For further information on this property please call 020 8651 6679 or e-mail info@hubbardtorlot.co.uk

Contact Us

335 Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 9BY

020 8651 6679


Key Features

  • 2 double bedrooms
  • Downstairs Bathroom
  • Double glazing and Gas Central heating
  • 2 Reception Rooms
  • Sun Room / Conservatory
  • Utility Room

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